Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exploring - The Basics

As a newcomer to the Crystal Caverns, you will obtain an Explorer's Kit (1 kit per user, not per account).

Explorer's Kit: 
5 Crystal Vials
2 Candy Bars
1 Length of Rope
1 Pickaxe
1 Flashlight

This kit will help you navigate the Crystal Caverns world.  As you discover new places and encounter new creatures, you will find many uses for the items in your kit.

As you explore you will also find new items that you may pick up.  Your pack can hold up to 25 items.  The items in your explorer's kit take up 10 spaces.

So to begin with each new player starts with 15 free slots in their pack.

There are many items that can be picked up/used in the Crystal Caverns.   A full list can be found on the Items page.

Exploring/Movement on the Map

Each explorer can move 1 space per day on the map.  On the weekends or during special events, more movements per day may be allowed.  If you join the mailing list, you will be notified of these special events.

You can choose to move in the following directions:  North, South, West, East, North West, North East, South East, and South West.  If you reach the edge of the map, you will not be able to continue onto squares off the map.  However, you can move into squares that are considered part of the sky.  Who knows what you might discover!

Everyone will start where the red * is located on the map:

To move on the map you must post the following in RED:

Username moves 1 square North.

The event coordinator will respond in a designated post addressing the username and posting what you have discovered, in GREEN.  This post will be updated every 24 hours, with old interactions being deleted after 48 hours.


Username: You decide to stop and make yourself some tea.  How lovely!

Username: You see a glow coming from a murky pool of water.  Would you like to stick your hand in and retrieve whatever it is?

Username: You hear some rustling in the bushes ahead, would you like to investigate?

You will not always find items or discover new things on the map, like the first example.  However, when you do you, like in the second or third examples, you can choose to interact.  To interact with items/creatures on the map you must then post a 1-3 sentence response.  This can be done at any time within 48 hours of the original move.  Different responses will get different results, so be creative!

Please post your responses in BLUE in the following format:

Username: You see a glow coming from a murky pool of water.  Would you like to stick your hand in and retrieve whatever it is?

Example Response:
Username sticks their hand into the murky water bravely, feeling around for whatever might be giving off the glow.   The bottom is wet and mucky...yuck!

Username: You hear some rustling in the bushes ahead, would you like to investigate?

Example Response:
Username dashes forward trying to quickly catch whatever was making the noise!

You will discover many new and exciting places, creatures, and items.  It is up to you to decide how you will use your items and how to interact with what you find!