Sunday, January 22, 2012

Breeding - The Basics

Crystal Caverns has a very unique breeding system allowing for a diverse range of offspring, even from the same parents!

Any two existing creatures (including babies!) can influence a developing soul within a crystal.  If the parents of the developing soul are the same species and gender, the soul can only develop into that species/gender. Also, if the species are of the same gender, a special Twice as Nice mushroom must be used to complete the soul development.  If a baby creature is used to influence a soul, it increases the chances that the developing soul will also be a baby.

If the parents of the developing soul are different species and different genders, the soul has a chance to develop into either species/gender represented by the parents.  A special mushroom is not needed when parents of different genders are used.  If the parents of the developing soul have the same face gene, the baby has a chance of inheriting that face gene.  If the parents of the developing soul have different face genes, the baby has a chance of inheriting either face gene represented by the parents.

More specific information on breeding can be found here!

 How to read your Breeding Circle:

#1: Any mushroom growing within the Red Ring will have a 100% chance of influencing the developing soul within the center crystal.

#2: Any mushroom growing within the Blue Ring will have a 50% chance of influencing the developing soul within the center crystal.

#3: Any mushroom growing within the Green Ring will have a 15% chance of influencing the developing soul within the center crystal.

#4: Any mushroom growing within the Yellow Ring will have a 10% chance of influencing the developing soul within the center crystal.

#5: The Purple Ring is a dedicated ring where only very rare and special mushrooms will grow.

#6: This place will be where the ID# of your Crystal Caverns creature will be posted.

#7: This place will be where the mother and father of your Crystal Caverns creature (if they exist), will be posted.

#8: This place will be where the owner of this specific Breeding Circle, and the name of the soul developing within the center circle will be posted.

#9: This is where the species of soul developing within the center crystal will be posted.

#10: The color of this little design will indicate the gender of the developing soul: Pink for girls, Blue for boys.

#11: This is the center crystal that houses the developing soul of your Crystal Caverns creature.  It is rumored that some crystals can house two or even three souls!

Different types of mushrooms are described on the Items page.
Breeding Circle Use: 
1. Find a Random Breeding Circle, or a Parental Breeding Circle. 
2. Wait for a breeding season to occur!
3. Send me a list of 4 regular type mushrooms and 1 Special type mushroom, if desired.  You may use less mushrooms, but not more.  If you use a Special Placement Mushroom, you may indicate which mushrooms you would like placed within which colored rings (the Special Mushroom is always placed in the purple circle).  If you are using a Parental Breeding Circle, you must also indicate the names of the parents. 
4. In addition, at this time, you may sacrifice up to four regular mushrooms of any kind by grinding them into fertilizer and adding them to the Blue, Green, or Yellow Mushroom rings (special mushrooms cannot be sacrificed).  Each mushroom sacrificed will increase the % chance of that circle influencing the developing soul by 5%.
Blue Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 50%
#1: One sacrificed mushroom will increase the % chance of influence to 55%
#2: Two sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 60%
#3: Three sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 65%
#4: Four sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 70%

Green Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 15%
#1: One sacrificed mushroom will increase the % chance of influence to 20%
#2: Two sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 25%
#3: Three sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 30%
#4: Four sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 35%

Yellow Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 10%
#1: One sacrificed mushroom will increase the % chance of influence to 15%
#2: Two sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 20%
#3: Three sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 25%
#4: Four sacrificed mushrooms will increase the % chance of influence to 30%

5. At this point in time I will randomly determine the placement of the mushrooms within your circle (if you have a Special Placement Mushroom, the placement will have already been determined by you).  
6. Once the placement of the mushrooms within the colored rings is determined, I then use a random roll and the % chance of influence of each colored ring to determine if the mushroom within that circle will influence the developing soul or not.
7. Based on the results, I create your Crystal Caverns Creature!

Random Breeding Circle Form:
Breeding Circle ID#:
Your Name:
Mushroom #1:
Mushroom #2:
Mushroom #3:
Mushroom #4:
Special Mushroom: 

Blue Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 50%

Green Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 15%

Yellow Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 10%

Parental Breeding Circle Form:
Breeding Circle ID#:
Your Name:
Parent #1 Name:
Parent #2 Name:
Mushroom #1:
Mushroom #2:
Mushroom #3:
Mushroom #4:
Special Mushroom: 

Blue Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 50%

Green Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 15%

Yellow Ring Sacrificed Mushrooms: Base % chance of influence is 10%

Breeding Rules:
1. Because of the nature of soul crystals, parents can be any combination of genders and species.
2. Also because of the nature of soul crystals, a soul does not need any parents to be specified to fully develop.  All a soul crystal needs to develop is a breeding circle.
2. You must use a breeding circle to develop a soul crystal.
3.  Each crystal is surrounded by a maximum of five colored mushroom rings.  Each ring influences the growing soul within the center crystal in a different way (explained below).
4. The mushrooms that will be used within a breeding circle are selected by the breeder.
5.  The PLACEMENT of the mushrooms will be determined randomly, unless the breeder has a special mushroom that allows he/she to determine placement of their chosen mushrooms.
6.  If there are colored mushroom rings left empty within a breeding circle, there is a 10% chance that a random mushroom will grow in each empty ring.
7. If the purple mushroom ring is left open, there will be a 5% chance that a random 'special' mushroom will grow within the purple ring.
8. Any breeding circle containing defilement within any of the colored mushroom rings will produce a Malus Phasma, regardless of the species of the parents. Defilement is a blueish blackish smog.  In the example breeding ring pictured below, it covers the Blue and Yellow mushroom rings and is circled in red.

9. Defilement within one colored mushroom ring can be cleansed with one cleansing flower.  A new cleansing flower must be used for each colored mushroom ring that is defiled within a breeding circle. Note: The soul crystal does not need to be cleansed of defilement, ONLY the mushroom circles!
10. If a breeding circle contains a broken crystal, that crystal must be replaced before the breeding circle can be used (Upon discovery of a breeding circle, you will be notified if the crystal needs to be replaced).
11. The soul will develop over a period of time ranging from 1 to 3 weeks, at which point the center crystal in your breeding circle will turn into a fully developed soul. (This transition will only be able to occur within dedicated threads.  If you join the mailing list you will be notified when these threads are posted).
12. If the species you would like to breed are of the same gender, a special Twice as Nice mushroom must be used to complete the soul development in a breeding circle.  A special mushroom is not needed when parents of different genders are used to influence a developing soul.
13. Once a breeding circle has been used to develop a soul crystal, it disappears, and you must find a new one!