Crystal Caverns is a multi-species adoptable owned and run by Phantomgirl in the forums on the Pony Island website.
I would like to thank all of the artists that have contributed to the artwork behind Crystal Caverns. My skills at drawing are very limited, and none of this would be possible without the talent of others.
The Kindle species sketches were drawn by Willow, and lined and shaded by Tobyana. Lineart was sold by Tobyana in this thread, {*} though the actual transaction to Phantomgirl took place in PM.
The Starlazan species sketches, lineart, shading, some items, and gene templating were completed by Densuageo and purchased by Phantomgirl in this thread {*}
The Vixie species sketches and lineart were completed by Cryptic. Lines were purchased by Phantomgirl in this thread {*}
The Fae'ribou species sketches were completed by Anarchy of Fall. Sketches were purchased by Phantomgirl in this thread {*}
All sketches, line art, and shading for the Crystal Caverns Map, Fungisaurs, Howlixies, Purrwings, Ariessea, Malus Phasma and Crystalline species were completed by the AMAZING Star Dragon! In addition she also completed the line art for the baby Starlazan and the baby Kindle. Her work was commissioned by Phantomgirl in this thread {*}
Gene templating for the Vixies, Kindle, Fungisaurs, Howlixies, Purrwings, Ariessea, Crystalline, and Malus Phasma were completed by Phantomgirl.
Item sketching, shading, and templating was mostly completed by Star Dragon, with the Crystal Vials and Stardust Piles attributed to Densuageo.
Fae'ribou line art and shading, Vixie shading, Breeding Circle and Certification templates were designed/colored by Phantomgirl.